Friday, February 3, 2012

Health Fair

We kicked off our village health campaign with a health fair.

The health fair was geared towards all community members and the topics were chosen and written in collaboration with the nursing staff at the medical center.

Health topics included information about what constitutes a healthy diet, interactive calorie content games (people ordered common foods from low to high and then ordered activities from low to high by calories burned per hour),

blood pressure checks,

body mass evaluations,

true or false game about the benefits of exercise,

and some demonstrations of flexibility, muscle building and aerobic exercises.

Health clubs students also ran a booth with information about stress managing methods and gave free back and hand massages. (I took advantage of this after the fair. : )

We also revealed our plans for the new sport field:

Here's a key:

Pink: Playground including swing set, see-saw and a recycled tire structure.
Orange: Pull-up bars and long jump
Blue: Basketball court including new cement tiles and new backboards
Green: Soccer field with reinforced goal posts and freshly-painted lines
Gray: Spectator benches
Purple: Fence enclosing the whole field (This is especially important because currently cars and carts drive through the field and livestock graze there, making grass-growing impossible)

It'll be a great improvement over our current field:

At the fair, we also encourage community members to choose and implement one of four pre-written health goals. Here are the goals community members could choose: (Feel free take on a goal yourself!)

1. At least 50% of my diet will be composed of fruits and vegetables for at least one month.
2. I will practice physical exercises for at least 30 minutes per day for at least one month.
3. I will use less fat (oil, animal fat, butter, etc) and salt when cooking for at least one month.
4. I will use healthy stress management techniques when I feel stress for at least one month.

We will follow up with participating community members will with over-the-phone surveys in about two months' time to check in on their progress.

If you'd like to donate to our project fund, click here!

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